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Word Homescapes - Puzzle & Design 1.0.35
DaYu Tech
Welcome to the game! It is not only a word puzzle game, but alsoadesign home game. == HOW TO PLAY == 1.Collect word Thisgamecombines the best of word searching and crosswords forbrainchallenging. More than hundreds stages wait you to challenge.Braintest, simply swipe the letter blocks and build words tocollectcoins! 2.Design home Use these coins to decorate home.Piano, sofa,bed and tons of furniture choices. You can trydifferent style, oldholiday apartments will shine in your hands!Make home perfect, andlet your friend scream! Word master, coinmaster, design master,heads up, you can become all of them! It istime to show off, andenjoy our word puzzle game! == OFFICIALCOMMUNITY == CustomerSupport :
Battle Car Shooter : Furious Traffic Blast 1.0.2
DaYu Tech
Thrilling car shooting game waits for you in Battle Car Shooter:Furious Traffic Blast. It is a high quality shooting gamewhichstands out among others car games with stunning scenes andcoolgameplay. Merge same cars to unlock better one. Race on streetatfull speed. Shoot and blast cars to clear a way! Fight monstercarsof evil bosses! Not only to drive cool cars, but also toenjoycreativity like unlocking new cars, upgrading weapons,attachingUAVs, challenge monster cars and contesting with yourfriends inranking list. STYLING CAR Styling features allow you tocombineexisting cars to unlock brand new cars. From headlights tobodykits, a wide selection of color and types available. You canbecomea real mechanic for your car. TUNING You are sure to lovethenon-linear car upgrade model. Multiple spare parts are waitingforyour tweaks in the game. Don't have the powerful one? Upgradethemin your garage. This car upgrade feature makes each race countinreaching the best results. There are 50 cars of differentclasses:from standard urban sedans to supercars and specialdragsters.Ranking List There are world ranking list and friendranking list.In world ranking list you can see the worldwide topplayers of thisgame including yours. In friend ranking list you canfind rankingof your friends. Chapter Challenge Hundreds of chapterswithvarious enemies and freak bosses are waiting for you tochallenge.You can get super machine gun, magnet shield, missiles,crazygatlin, and many other powerful cool weapons during thechapter tohelp you beat the bosses down. Territory Contest Thereare 5territories with variety of locations for players tocontest.Everyday player who below up most cars in a territory willbecomelord of that place, and get plentiful gems and money asrewards.
戰就戰 1.4.0
DaYu Tech
【簡介】《戰就戰》的世界中各路奇幻英雄競相爭鋒!英勇無畏的人族戰士、高大健碩的獸族士兵、暗影中的魔法精靈、形貌可怖的不死亡靈、海洋王者娜迦族群、機器人與戰車兵團、野心勃勃的冥界大軍......劍與魔法的世界暗潮洶湧,聯盟與部落衝突一觸即發。進入魔獸對決的世界,率領九大種族的部隊與敵軍展開廝殺,在魔法與鋼鐵的碰撞中一較高下!【特點】* 公平匹配,全球玩家在同一伺服器中對戰競技,隨時隨地挑戰各國高手。*支持1V1、2V2、錦標賽、協力戰、公會戰、天梯戰等等多種特色玩法。*9大種族,100+不同定位兵種,10+各具特色的英雄,30+炫酷法術。 【遊戲性】*玩家根據兵種的屬性、技能、定位進行排兵佈陣,戰士將會自行移動、進攻和施法!*每回合開始或擊殺敵軍可以獲得黃金,使用黃金來部署士兵或對士兵進行升級。*搭配不同的兵種施、展不同的戰法,近戰流、吸血流、人海流、速攻流、反傷流、等等,全力以赴擊敗敵方戰神即可獲得勝利!
DaYu Tech
為了躲避亂世的紛爭,小沙彌和師傅們一起回到了曾經的世外桃源——縹緲山。卻不想因為年久失修,曾經的世外桃源早已面目全非,山頂的寺院已經破敗不堪,山腰的農莊更是雜草叢生。大家為了重現當年的世外桃源,安排小沙彌和師傅去打理農莊,開始建設新家園。一、農莊建設破敗不堪的農莊,急需整飭。水稻、瓜田、果園、織布、鋪路、蓋房子…吃穿住用行,一切都得重新開始,小沙彌和師傅不僅要自己果腹,還得滿足寺院裏的各項需要和開銷,不時還得接濟下逃難的難民、山脚的村民…二、寺院之謎曾經的世外桃源為何荒蕪?山頂的寺院藏著怎樣的秘密?寧為太平犬、不做亂世人,山脚的村民都曾經歷了什麼,他們從何處來,又要往何處去?小沙彌發現師傅和師兄弟們提起山下的村民都吞吞吐吐的。小沙彌越發覺得這個地方隱藏著一些不為所知的秘密,好奇的小沙彌决定偷偷找出事情的真相…三、世外探險寺裡空閒的時候,方丈會派小沙彌去山上採摘野果、草藥;小沙彌經常早做完了事情會跑去縹緲山下的村子裏溜猫逗狗抓蛐蛐、和村裡的孩童一起在河邊打打鬧鬧本故事架構僅為1.0版本,不代表最終上線版本,歡迎大家繼續寫故事,採用了有重謝嗷。 開發者的話:我們想了很久,還是想要做一款佛系的模擬經營遊戲給大家,能在大家下課下班路上解解乏,暫時逃離下繁重的課業和考試、難以應付的人際關係。也希望大家玩過之後,能够覺得,生活不止有一種管道,你還可以退回到當初的樣子,像遊戲裏的小沙彌一樣,對這個世界充滿好奇心和童真。你下班,是蹦著走的!
Arrow War - io Shooting Combat, Battle of Archero 1.0.3
DaYu Tech
Invite your friends to play together. Play multiple battlemodes,for a final victory within 3 minutes. Use individual heroestofight with passion, and use a variety of skills to make thebattleendlessly changeable! Share tactics and play in teams! /GAMEMODES- Snatch Gem (2v2v2): Team up and out-strategize the opposingteam.Collect and hold gems to win. - Barren Island (Solo/Duo): APUBG(Player Unknown's Battle Grounds) style fight for survival.Collectpower ups for your hero. Grab a friend or play solo - be thelastperson standing in the rowdiest battle yet. Winner takeall!/UNLOCK AND UPGRADE HEROES Collect and upgrade a variety ofheroeswith cool abilities, level them up to enhance their stats,and rankhigher and higher in ladder tournament. /BECOME STAR PLAYERClimbthe local and regional leaderboards to prove you’re thegreatestplayer of them all! /CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Look out for newheroes,maps, activities, special events and games modes in thefuture.====================== COMPANY COMMUNITY:====================== ※Facebook : ※Support